By Pirastro
Medium tension
in stock
£275.80 | |
Low tension (Weich)
Currently unavailable
£275.80 | Currently unavailable |
High tension (Stark)
in stock
£275.80 |
* All strings are ball end, unless otherwise specified.
Set of 4 strings as below.
Keen Amateur
out of
found the following review helpful
Pros: I replaced the existing set of Pirastro Permanents with the same kind - the new strings feel more resonant and lively. The lower stings respond more quickly in fast or staccato passages.
Cons: None
Other: I was happy with the old strings - but by comparison they were mellow compared to the new ones.
Keen Amateur
out of
found the following review helpful
Pros: A quality product. It's been a while since I've used Pirastro strings and I'm glad to be back. All four produce a rich tone, and the A reminds me of the (very expensive) aluminium on gut that I once used.
Cons: Nothing yet!