Wolf Note Eliminators

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New Harmony Wolf Note Suppressor

New Harmony Wolf Note Suppressor

4.5 from 17 reviews

Very effective Wolf note suppressor. Solid brass, easy to fit. Various weights, 5 or 7 gram works best for a typical cello Wolf note. Use the lightest weight necessa... read more...

Our price £22.80

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Wolf Note Eliminator

Wolf Note Eliminator

4.3 from 12 reviews

Traditional pattern Wolf note eliminator. Usually fitted to G string. Chrome plated steel. It's useful to work with a luthier when installing this eliminator. If fitt... read more...

Our price £6.54

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LupX Wolfnote Eliminator

LupX Wolfnote Eliminator

4.7 from 16 reviews

Brass wolf note eliminator

Our price from £15.12

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Wolf-Be-Gone Eliminator by  Supersensitive

Wolf-Be-Gone Eliminator by Supersensitive

4 from 1 review

Wolf eliminators for violin viola and cello/bass. This traditional design can be very effective in improving or eliminating wolf notes. read more...

Our price from £12.00

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