By Pirastro
With loop end Steel E
in stock
£91.30 | |
With ball end Steel E
in stock
£91.30 | |
With ball end Goldplated E
in stock
£100.87 | |
With loop end Goldplated E
in stock
£100.87 |
* All strings are ball end, unless otherwise specified.
A universal string of great quality suitable all types of instrument and player standard Obligato strings sound warm and full, yet have a brilliant, rich overtone spectrum and focused tone. Excellent playability and response throughout the entire dynamic range
Keen Amateur
Grade 8+
Nice set of strings - lovely tone
Pros: Lovely mellow tone with a crisp edge,I really like these strings. They sound even more beautiful with the mute on, no whiny edge to the sound. They make my violin sound so much better.
Cons: None so far
Other: Very good service from the string zone, I will use them again.
Keen Amateur
Keen Amateur
see above
Pros: I've only put the D string on yet as the others, also Obligato, are still all right. It settled in well and behaves itself now, only taking 3 or 4 days to stay in tune. The tone is as sweet and mellow as ever on my 1900's German violin.
Cons: Nothing, it's great.
Keen Amateur
Pirastro Obligato strings are my favourites.
Pros: These strings settle quickly and I love their sound. Although pricey, they are the best I have found.
Cons: The set only offers an aluminium A string. I prefer the sound and feel of the crome-steel A (bought separately) and it would be good if this was an option for the set.
Other: Reliable service from the Stringzone. Strings arrived in good time, and well-packed, with short advice sheet on fitting and how to check for defects.