The Mulko plastic chinrest is a long standing design featuring a cross hatched textured surface which provides more grip than smooth surface models. It is a low , flat rest and is ideal for young players and those looking for a low, flat rest of traditional style.
Fits full size violin and violas with a maximum body depth of 48mm.
Keen Amateur
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found the following review helpful
Pros: The chinrest type which goes over the tailpiece repeatedly causes slippage, even when used with a shoulder rest and also makes the violin heavier and more bulky. The Mulko is a cheap (but not in materials or finish) and cheerful solution which, in my case, gives a better grip, less weight and because of its criss-cross surface pattern, eliminates perspiration.
Cons: None
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found the following review helpful
Pros: This chinrest is very flat and has a low profile. I like that because it doesn't dictate the angle of the violin or get in the way by not being the right shape for my jaw.
Cons: It is a basic plastic chinrest. Might feel nicer in a wood finish