By Savarez Corelli
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£53.83 | |
Medium light
Currently unavailable
£53.83 | Currently unavailable |
High tension (Forte)
in stock
£53.83 |
* All strings are ball end, unless otherwise specified.
Modern, multi filament synthetic core strings available in three tensions. These strings fill the gap between a simple synthetic core strings such as Crystal or Dominant and high specification professional grade strings such as Obligato or Alliance. Designed for all round balance and tonal stability. Good combination of projection and warmth.
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found the following review helpful
Pros: Quick settling-in period. Tone is quite warm, similar to Pirastro Obligatos. I think they fit in the Corelli range between the soft Crystals and the brighter and more powerful Alliance.
Cons: Can't think of anything 'bad' to say about them.
Other: A good upgrade from something like Thomastic Dominants, if you don't want to pay for the more expensive Pirastro Obligatos.
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found the following review helpful
Pros: The strings are smooth and loud and stay in tune. The A and e are lasting longer than the Crystals.
Cons: The e string tended to whistle when I first got it. I have never had an e string whistle before. I found that using slightly more rosin fixed the problem.
Grade 8+
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found the following review helpful
Pros: Lovely warm tone compared with my usual Dominants
Cons: Taking a while to settle in,
Other: Tried these strings for the first time on the basis of other people's reviews and I have not been disappointed. I have a fairly modern instrument, 1980's German. These strings produce a much warmer tone than my usual brand of strings (Dominants). Particularly pleased with the E-string. They are taking a while to bed in (still re-tuning much more frequently than usual, even after 3 weeks) but it's getting better and is definitely worth persisting with for the improvement in tone. I will certainly be buying these again!
Keen Amateur
Nice - better than some more expensive strings.
Pros: Nice warm tone, start sounding nice immediately they are fitted. I have a late 19th century German violin that is quite loud and raucous, I find these strings give a great sound and mellow it out slightly without making it quiet. Started on Dominant and Zyex and moved to Obligato last time, but I prefer these of all of them and the price is a nice bonus.
Cons: Not a major hassle but as noted by others these take a little while to stabilise. Be prepared to tune your fiddle quite a bit for the first two or three weeks.
Keen Amateur
out of
found the following review helpful
Pros: The strings settled quickly and didn't need a lot of retuning.
Cons: I am not happy with the response and tone of these strings compared to other strings I have used. My previous set were Warchal strings which I prefer and would go back to. I chose the Corelli strings because I was advised to use a lighter gauge string on my violin due to its age. I have not used Corelli strings before and would not choose them again.