By Savarez Corelli
Medium tension, Ball end E
in stock
£78.26 | |
Medium tension, Loop end E
in stock
£78.26 |
* All strings are ball end, unless otherwise specified.
Professional quality synthetic core string by Savarez, France. Ball end A,D, & G. Loop or ball end E
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found the following review helpful
Pros: I have been using Corelli Alliance strings for 11 years. They produce a lovely smooth, broad, mellow sound. The pitch settles quite quickly when new and they stay in tune.
Cons: I have found over the years that many of the strings are false and never settle down. You can tell as soon as you put them onto the volin they are hard to tune and sound metallic.
Other: Great service from the String Zone. Thank you.
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found the following review helpful
Pros: Before i changed my violin strings to the Corelli Alliance Vivace strings, i had Pirastro Evah Pirazzi Gold strings on my violin, the Corelli in my opinion are more easier and more responsive to my violin bow, i have recently been practicing crossing over strings and using octave b, c and d for a piece called The Dove, the Corelli strings have a beautiful tone, i found the Pirastro strings to have a loud harsh tone, i am delighted with the Corelli Vivace strings, my teacher has Corelli Crystal strings on his violin, he prefers the sound of the Vivace to the Crystal strings, i rate the Corelli Vivace stings 10 out of 10, i rate the Pirastro strings 6 out of 10
Cons: No Cons, i like the Corelli strings, i cannot find fault with them, the sound is amazing, no cons at all!
Other: I will buy Corelli strings in future
Keen Amateur
Keen Amateur
Keen Amateur
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found the following review helpful
Pros: Tried these strings on recommendation of a friend. They sounded quite bland on my violin, so I used them for a few weeks but soon switched back to my Passiones which bring out a lovely complex sound from my instrument. My friend however loves these strings and they sound brilliant on his instrument,
Cons: sounded not as nice
Keen Amateur
Grade 8+
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found the following review helpful
Pros: Great tone, good responsiveness and dynamic range
Cons: Haven't found any yet.
Other: Have also used the viola equivalent - FANTASTIC!(On my instrument, anyway)
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found the following review helpful
Pros: Very warm sound, keep them clean and they should last a while and keep that nice sound
Cons: G string did snap quicker than usual but think that was down to the exceptionally cold weather this winter
Keen Amateur