Popular rubber mute which stays on the instrument. For violin or viola. We would suggest the small for instruments 1/2 size and under
Keen Amateur
Keen Amateur
Grade 8+
Grade 8+
Pros: Small, inconspicuous and yet makes an audible difference to the sound quality from my instrument. I have used it for orchestral music, for mellowing the sound in the higher registers and for softening sound in recordings, and in all of these it has done the job effectively. Also easy to move on and off.
Cons: None
Other: This is the second one I have bought - for two different instruments, and the first is still going strong after years of practice.
Keen Amateur
Performs as to be expected of a small mute
Pros: What can I say, it's the classic... Mainly used to change the timbre and soften the tone rather than a big volume reduction.
Cons: Doesn't vibrate all that much (if at all) when not attached, although there are other mutes that do to avoid that problem completely.
Keen Amateur