By Pirastro
Medium tension
in stock
£37.04 | |
Low tension (Weich)
in stock
£37.06 | |
High tension (Stark)
in stock
£37.06 |
* All strings are ball end, unless otherwise specified.
The latest string from Pirastro is designed to produce the highest quality of tone usually obtained only with a traditional gut string but with the the power and stability of a metal based string.
Keen Amateur
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found the following review helpful
Pros: It has a nice warm, dark tone and a fast response
Cons: I found the tone bit weak compared with the Pirastro Passione medium A string and the d'Addario Helicores that I have on G and C. Am currently using the Helicore D instead but if anything this has the opposite problem. I may experiment with the high-tension Passione.