By Pirastro
Medium tension
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£29.93 | |
Low tension (Weich)
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£29.93 | |
High tension (Stark)
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£29.93 |
* All strings are ball end, unless otherwise specified.
The latest string from Pirastro is designed to produce the highest quality of tone usually obtained only with a traditional gut string but with the the power and stability of a metal based string.
Keen Amateur
Keen Amateur
A lovely string
Pros: Bought it to replace the previous Passione when it broke. Fairly quick to play in and is a lovely string, the tone can vary from mellow to bright with bowing etc. and nice and stable unlike a gut A.
Cons: I wish it were cheaper! You get what you pay for with cello strings and I’ve never found a true bargain
Keen Amateur
Keen Amateur
So far, so good!
Pros: Nice, even sound, without any brash, ‘tinniness’ that can affect the ‘A’ string.
Cons: So far: nothing.
Other: It’s impossible to make generalisations because every instrument is different. Experimenting with different strings is also expensive & takes time. However, having been through that process, this is the best ‘A’ string, for my taste, that I’ve used so far; I’ve tried quite a few!
Keen Amateur
Good alternative to gut
Pros: After years of using a gut A string I got a bit fed up with the instability and fragility of the Eudoxa A & D. After a bit of playing in I am delighted with this string which seems to blend very well with the Eudoxa lower strings and has none of the harshness I have previously experienced with steel strings.
Cons: Still not cheap!
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found the following review helpful
Pros: My old A had suddenly become shrill over a few weeks and a friend recommended this A. No shrillness any more and I like the sound particularly in higher positions.
Cons: None
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found the following review helpful
Pros: Previously I was using a Pirastro Permanent. By contrast this string has a warm softer sound and is clear and clean (although that maybe because the string I took off was simply worn out.
Cons: I'm not really sure about volume or power in the upper registers. It seems hard to generate a big sound once you are above top C (i.e. the C above middle c)
Other: Contrary to what others have written I found it took a couple of weeks to play in.