Professional grade carbon fibre bow by America's leading carbon bow company.
Graphite fibers, masterfully woven, extend precisely from button to tip. This naturally elegant innovation achieves the highly-sought balance between strength and flexibility.
The Coda range of bows are all made in the USA using modern materials to produce bows which offer consistent performance and reliability which inspires confidence and playing enjoyment for all standards of player. The use of man made materials for every component, hair excluded, means the bows are extremely practical in everyday use. The sticks are string and remain straight and with the correct camber. The adjustment mechanisms are precision made for smooth action and easy hair tensioning. Rehairing is in the traditional manner and any experienced bow maker will have no difficulty in rehairing these bows.
Coda bows are our biggest selling bows at their price point and represent excellent value for money across the product range.
CodaBow recommends using Boveda's 'Humidity Control' system to maintain the longevity of your bow.
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